Green Notebook from Sargé-sur-Braye

The 12th Century church of Saint-Cyr in Sargé-sur-Braye is not your average village church. It has both a sundial and a clock, not to mention an automated figure of a gendarme with a huge moustache. He has a pipe in his mouth and every half an hour the pipe is made to strike the church … Continue reading Green Notebook from Sargé-sur-Braye →
The 12th Century church of Saint-Cyr in Sargé-sur-Braye is not your average village church. It has both a sundial and a clock, not to mention an automated figure of a gendarme with a huge moustache. He has a pipe in his mouth and every half an hour the pipe is made to strike the church … Continue reading Green Notebook from Sargé-sur-Braye →
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